Magazine — Lock Picking
How to Pick and Decode a Schlage Padlock with Lishi SC4 and Make a New Key
Posted by Charles Peng on

YouTube recommended me a video by Fish Picks, who met a "situation" when he misplaced the key to his Sparrows cutaway lock, he then decided to try and make a working key without gutting the lock. An awesome tutorial for Lishi tools starters how to pick and decode a Schlage padlock with Lishi SC4 2-in-1 decoder and pick, and then get the replacement key blank cut with a Lishi key cutter. A Lishi decoder is a tool that can be used to pick and decode a lock. It is a small, handheld device that has two main parts: a pick and a...
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- Tags: Lock Picking
United Locksmiths Recommends GOSO Locksmith Tools
Posted by Charles Peng on

GOSO has a wide range of single pin picks that give a variety of lock accessibility. They also have specialized car entry tools that come in certain pick sets, or can be purchased individually. The tension wrenches come in all shapes and sizes and are all very high quality. The importance of a tension wrench cannot be stressed enough, and the span of widths will allow you to access a greater variety of locks. The company also makes very sleek and secure cases that accompany their sets. A very versatile set that gives you range for a fair price. Please...
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- Tags: Lock Picking
Infographic: 4 Quick & Easy Ways to Pick a Lock
Posted by Charlie Peng on
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- Tags: Lock Picking
Picking Methods and Pick Types
Posted by Charlie Peng on
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- Tags: Lock Picking